Let's explore the horrifying world of naming multiples, shall we? Anybody who is a twin, or who has a friend who's a twin, can tell you how effing annoying it gets when other people assume you have no individuality. Apparently a lot of mommies out there don't get this. Yet. They will, once their cute little matchy-watchy kids grow up to become pissed-off teens who struggle to stake their claim on a unique identity.
The following names were all taken from birth records -- hence, actual twins and triplets bear these names -- by an internets dweller who is not L, on a long-dead baby name forum.
Destinie Ann & Dynastie Lynn
Dyamond Lecole & Jade Nycole
Jessenia Elizabeth & Jessica Elizabeth
Adrionn Alyse & Ashlynn Arion (what??)
Haileigh Paige & Heather Paige
Mallory Kaye & Micah Kaye
Elisabeth Anne & Kathleen Elisabeth
J'Kelon Darnell & J'Quaylon Donnell
Jermaine Davon & Jermaude Devel (I guess we know which one is the evil twin.)
Emanuel Jacob & Manuel Jacoby
Quincy Donnell & Quinn Daniell
Caden Mark & Caleb Martin
Caleb Nicholas & Cooper Nicholas
Brandon Ross & Brendan Ryan
Kelby Kade & Kolby Jack
Kody Lane & Kolin Shane
Aubrey Gene & Audrey Jeanette (boy/girl)
Alexander Ray & Alexandria Rae
Eleigha Mariah & Elijah Macaiah (b/g)
Eric Patrick & Erica Patrice
Dominique Sharnell & Domonick Carnell
Taylor Kaitlin & Tyler Chase (g/b, I think)
Francesca Charlene & Frank Charles
And now, for some triple pain:
Bailey Lauren, Hailey Laurel, & Tanner Daniel (one of these things is not like the other.)
Kara Rene, Sara Kaye, & Tara Faye
I predict a lot of goths and a lot of "experimentation" during the ninth and tenth grades.
14 hours ago
I admit that I am pregnant and exhausted, but there were a few of these that I had to reread multiple times before I could find the difference between the two names.